Annual Love To Ride Cycle September Event

It’s time for the annual Love to Ride Cycle September Event and this year there are loads of reasons to get involved.
Cycle September is about challenging yourself, friends and co-workers in cycling challenges to win prizes.
So if you have just got into cycling, an expert or have not been on a bike in a long time, now is the perfect opportunity to get involved.
How do I get Involved:
All you need to do is set up a Love to Ride Account – it’s simple and takes less than a minute. Click here to set up your account.
There Are 3 Ways You Can Log Your Ride:
1. Log a ride manually on the website
2. Log your ride automatically by downloading the iOS app – download here
3. Connect your Strava or Map my Ride.
For more guidance follow the link –
Love to Ride is offering a range of prizes and all you need to do is either record a ride in September or encourage another rider to get on their bike.
Prizes include:
A £4000 holiday – Log a ride and score some points.
An Electric Brompton C Line Explore Bike – Register for Cycle September before the 1st of August.
One year Brompton Subscription – Register for Cycle September before the 21st of August.
Cash Prize Draw – Encourage 1 person (£150), 5 people (£250), 10 people (£500) or 20 people (£1000) to get involved.
For more information on all the prizes on offer and for t&c’s please go to the website –

Workplace Challenge:
Cycle September can also be a workplace challenge. Why not get your colleagues to sign up and compete against other workplaces of a similar size.
You can register your workplace by clicking the following link –
Resources for your workplace:
LTR Cycle September 23 A4 Events UK
LTR Cycle September 23 A4 Fact sheet_01
LTR Cycle September 23 A4 Fact sheet_02