National Motorcycle Week #Bikerdown
Motorcycle traffic has grown by 17% between 2020 and 2021, with 20% of road fatalities and 12% of road casualties in Great Britain being Motorcycle related.
Motorcycle Safety Week aims to raise public awareness to encourage people to improve their riding skills, having safe PPE and to provide education on how to respond to a motorcycle incidents.
The National Fire Chief Council objectives are:
1. Highlighting the risks of substandard PPE and poor motorcycle and equipment maintenance.
2. Educate riders on positive and safe motorcycle behaviour.
3. Increase the attendance and delivery of Fire and Rescue Services (and their partners) motorcycle safety courses including Biker Down.
To find out more regarding motorcycle courses in your area please email ‘‘ or click here to find out advice for new riders – RoSPA Novice Riders Hub Ad 148×210 v2#
4. Continue to establish Biker Down as a national brand for the Fire and Rescue Service and to incorporate its public awareness messaging for motorcycle safety.
To find out more about Motorcycle Safety please watch the following video developed by the National Fire Chief Council