May is National Walking Month and this Month’s Theme is #TRY20
Living Streets (the UK walking charity) this year have created the message TRY20 which provides 20 different reasons why you should go outside and get walking:
Some of the Tips are:
1. Inviting Friends or Family for a Walk
2. Get Snappy
3. Let Kids Lead the Way
4. Evening Stroll
5. Have an Adventure
Living Streets has guidance and resources on its website for each of the 20 tips, including scavenger hunts, walking podcasts and a recipe for walking and well-being walk book (Click here)
The TRY20 checklist can be downloaded here – nwm-poster try20-checklist-2023
Fancy winning a £200 outdoor clothing shopping voucher? Go to Living Streets and enter their competition, all you need to do is write about your experience with the #try20 campaign. –