Take Your Family To School Week
The 11th – 17th of February is the National PTA’s ‘Take Your Family To School Week’
The scheme was set up by the National PTA to provide opportunity to get parents/carers involved in their child’s education and build relationships between teachers and parents.
Why not take the opportunity to take part in ‘Take Your Family To School Week’ by walking or cycling with your child to school?
There are many benefits for both carers and children in taking part in active travel before the school day including:
1. Increasing Physical Activity – Walking to school can contribute to both your and your child’s daily recommended amount of exercise.
2. Quality Time – Why not take the opportunity to talk to your child about their school day or anything they are worried about?
3. Reduced Stress and Anxiety – Walking to school can help reduce stress and anxiety and boost both your and your child’s mood before the school /work day.
4. Improved Concentration – Exercise can help channel a child’s energy and increase concentration throughout the school day.
5. Better for the Environment – Idling cars outside of schools can create air pollution which can negatively impact both children’s and adults’ health. Why not walk/cycle and reduce the number of cars on the road?