(20th – 24th May)

It’s time for the annual celebration of Walk to School Week, where children, parents and carers are encouraged to put on their shoes and walk to school for a week.
Walking to school has many benefits including:
Walking to school reduces the pollution that accumulates around school drop-off and pick-up due to idling traffic. Deciding to walk not only improves the air quality around your neighbourhood but also reduces your carbon footprint.
Walking is a fantastic form of exercise and walking before school gets you moving, your heart pumping and can also boost your mood.
Walking to school provides the perfect opportunity to chat with friends, family, parents or neighbours. This can create a sense of community and lets you explore your local area together.
Teaching kids the importance of road safety from an early age is vital to developing safe habits in life. Why not teach about safe places to cross a road or the importance of being aware of your surroundings?
Exercise and fresh air in the morning can help boost concentration for the whole day, not just for children but for adults too.
There are many ways to make the walk to school more exciting. Why not try the following activities from Living Streets :
1.Scavenger hunt – Click here for resource
2. Drawing what you saw on a walk – Click here for resource
3. Eye spy – Click here for resource
4. Create a walking diary – Click here for resource
5. Walking randomiser – Click here for resource